South Atlanta Neurology & Spine Clinic provides treatment for various neurological disorders. Treatment can be provided for headaches, stroke, seizure, Alzheimer’s disease, sleep disorders, dizziness, encephalopathy, Parkinson’s disease, movement disorders, multiple sclerosis, numbness, weakness, myasthenia gravis, myopathy, peripheral neuropathy, gait disturbance, double vision, and other neurological conditions.
Pain management is also provided and it includes low back pain, neck pain, upper and lower extremities, and other various pain problems. Pain can be treated and controlled through various methods. We provide pain management through acupuncture treatments, sacroiliac joint injections using fluoroscopy guidance, and multiple and trigger point injections.
Invasive pain management is also provided for the spine. Some treatments provided are epidural injections in the lumbar, thoracic and cervical regions, radiofrequency neurolysis facet blocks, sympathetic block, and spinal cord stimulation implantation and other treatments are provided.
Various tests are used to help confirm diagnoses. Tests that are used in our office are electrophysiology (EMG, NCV, and EEG), and our OPEN MRI machine that can take an X-ray of all body parts.
Please contact us to schedule an appointment and for neurological consultation.